關 於 寔 黈
寔黈實業有限公司 是一家專門從事氣動執行器、氣動閥門生產三十餘年的台灣企業。產品按國家標準及美國、德國、日本標準生產。 CNC電腦速控加工機械生產,品質保證精密。產品有鋁合金氣缸、鑄鐵氣缸、法蘭口球閥、三片式牙口(焊口)球閥、三通球閥、二片式球閥、氣動控制閥、閘閥、止回閥、Y型牙口閥、減壓閥等。材質有ASTM/CF8M、CF8、WCB、LCC、JIS/316、304、316L。 產品已通過ISO9001:2000CE品質管理體系認證,是值得信賴的產品。所生產的閥門系列產品廣泛應用於工業自動化、石化工業、染整機械廠、廢水處理廠、工業用管道、自動化機械工業用閥門等行業。 本公司以「品質求生存,信譽求發展」的經營理念,誠納四海商客,願與各位朋友長期共事,攜手共進,共創未來。 |
STONE Enterprise Co., Ltd. Professinally professionally manufacturers actuators and various valves over 30 years. The products are based on the standerds of GB, JB, API, JIS etc. We use speed controlled machining nechanism to assure the precision of our products. The main products of our manufacture includes aluminum alloyed actuator,cast-iron actuatormflange ended ball valve,three-piece cylinder actuated ball valve,soldered-connection ball valve,three-way valve,two-piece ball valve,air-operated control valve,gate valve,the cut-off valve,thread Y stop valve,pressure reduce valve etc. The qualified manager authentication system. The productions are worthy of reliance. |